Monday, September 8, 2014

Audition Week!!!!

September 8, 2014

Hi everybody, Ms. Hillman here. 

First, I would like to thank Mrs. Porter for taking us through the music last week.
Secondly, Mrs. K. gets a big thank you for dancing until she dropped last Friday. 
You should all be ready to go for auditions today. I know I am. 

Auditions are kinda interesting for an actor/singer/dancer. You are putting yourself out a tightrope walker with no net. But here is the great thing about the CAPA will always have a safety net here. We are here to support you. To celebrate when things are terrific and to help you through the struggles that are surely going to happen in high school. 

The best advice I can give you when auditioning...

Take it seriously. We do not have time to stop and start, so please focus and stay quiet when you are not onstage. 

You are always auditioning, even when you are not onstage. We are looking at the way you interact with others, behavior in school, hallways, in the theatre seats. We want supportive people who are going to celebrate the talents of every CAPA member. Jealousy and negative behavior are two things we solidly feel are poisonous to our creative environment. what you say and do. 

Give it your best shot. Go all out, you have nothing to lose. 

Be loud and proud! We have to be able to hear you!

Know that brown nosing has absolutely nothing to do with the casting process. As I have said before, if I cast only people that I personally love and adore, I would be the worst director ever. Casting is based on who is right for the part and based on positive attitudes and work ethic. That is it. "Favorites" aren't a part of this program...anyone who says otherwise doesn't know a thing about the process. we go! Casting is a big job and we are excited to get this show going. 
Do your best, have fun and know that whatever will be, will be. It's out of your control, so Let it Go...Let it Go!!!!

Theatrically Yours....Ms. Hillman 

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