Thursday, September 25, 2014

Hello everyone, Ms. Hillman here with some important tips for being a teenager in 2014...

I realize that social media is an important part of your everyday life. But, please be fully aware that every single thing you post on social media can be viewed by others. This means words, images and anything else that can be posted. 
It just hangs out there forever in that big media cloud in the sky and you cannot take it back!

So, please be careful when you are posting things online. For your own sake and the sake of others. 

Taking photos and videos of people without their knowledge or permission is invasive....especially in the arts. Sometimes we have special moments in class/during shows, lectures, performances, rehearsals and those moments should be left to our memories. It doesn't need to be documented. If you would like to video or photograph someone's performance/rehearsals, you need to ask them if it is okay. This goes for all of our CAPA strands. It is the respectful and right thing to do. Do not post unless permission is granted. Please. 

While I am at it...let's all focus on our communication skills. Talking to people...actually face to a lost art and it is such an important skill to have. We must get back in the habit of communicating our feelings to each other without the use of a keyboard or a video camera. TALK to each other, even if it is uncomfortable at first. This way of communicating is mature, respectful and will help you as you navigate the world in the present and future. Trust me. 

Listen, I know being a teenager is rough sometimes...but it can also be some of your best years. Just treat people the way you would like to be treated (thanks Mom!) and live in a way that makes you proud to be you. We are all in this together and mistakes will be made....but growing from those mistakes are what this life is all about!

Lecture has been completed. :) DING.

Theatrically Yours with Love, Ms. Hillman 

Hairspray cast...please go to Mrs. Porter's school webpage for you can rehearse! It is important to know your lyrics, parts and have this stuff memorized. So, please visit and visit often!

Monday, September 22, 2014

September 22, 2014

Thank you so much to our amazing parent and student volunteers who built our Hairspray set on Saturday. We were done early and it is up! Now, all we have to do is paint! Our first painting day is this Saturday the 27th from 10-2:00. Bring a paintbrush or roller and get ready to work. 
Our second paint day will be Saturday, October 11th from 10-2. 
The show is going really well so far and everyone is so positive and hard working! I am proud of our CAPA family!
A couple of reminders...Hairspray t-shirt orders are due on October 3rd. 
We are also looking for businesses and family members to order program ads. Those are due October 13th. 
Special thanks to Doug Zavisza for putting together our program once again! You are the best!

1st hour students are working on our new venture...narration! "How it Came to Be" stories.
2nd hour...they are starting original two person scenes with directors. Already looking good!
5th hour...just completed radio dramas (they were fantastic) we are onto a new adventure today.
6th hour...Completed scripts for "Baggage." Today we will put it together. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

(photo above) First hour Acting One working on class machines. 

September 15, 2014 

Hello All...Ms. Hillman here. Well, we survived auditions. I am sure there have been tears of joy and tears of sadness over the casting...that is all a part of being in the arts. As an actor, I remember it well. 
It was a difficult process this year, so many people to choose from and it seemed that everyone was so hungry to be in this show. We have a fabulous cast and crew and remember...there are so many acting/singing and dancing opportunities coming up throughout the year. 

Set construction is this Saturday the 20th at 8:00 a.m. until we are done (7 pm.?). Please bring power tools if you can. I will feed people pizza. If you want to bring snacks and drinks, that is totally welcome. We are excited to get this set up! Saturday the 27th will be set brush and painting day. We ask that you bring your own paintbrushes and rollers. We will be in the theatre from 8-2 that day. 

The Acting classes are busy at work. Today, the second hour class presented their photo narratives. They did such a great job. First hour is rehearsing their music interps, they are a hard working group. Advanced Acting students are editing their radio scripts and will be performing those at the end of the week. Special Studies students are collaborating on the Biggest Show. Already the ideas are rolling and I am excited to see how the show comes along. 

That's it from Acting and the show for now. Thank you for checking in and feel free to comment!
Peace and Love, Ms. Hillman  

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Hi everyone,
Mrs. Porter here, with some CAPA Vocal updates!  This has been a busy year already, we have been working hard since our first day back.  We started with getting to know each other and then dove right in, learning the audition music for "Hairspray".  The other strands came in and joined us and they all sounded so good singing together!  Congratulations to everyone who auditioned, it takes courage.  You are all so talented and the selection process was very difficult for myself, Ms. Hillman and Mrs. K.  Keep growing and make sure you keep auditioning as well!

This past week, we were able to begin selecting music for our first concert, the Classical and Folk Recital.  We have been starting basic vocal technique, which includes focusing on breathing, posture, mouth shape, and support among other things.  Most vocal students now have a piece that is their own for the recital.  If they do not, they will get one on Monday.  Many students are trying a foreign language piece or something more challenging in regards to vocal range and flexibility.  I am very happy with the pieces that have been chosen and expect a lot of growth in the coming weeks.

On Wednesday, our resident vocal coach, Noelle Jacquez came in and talked to the classes.  She is offering private voice lessons during lunch and for the 5th & 6th hour vocal students for the price of $20/half hour lesson.  This is a very reasonable rate and Ms. Jacquez is extremely accomplished and qualified.  If you are interested in lessons, contact me for more details.  Ms. Jacquez and I also presented our "Special Studies in Voice" unit that we will be working on with selected students from now until March.  We will be choosing students to work on additional music in class that is more complex and involves part-singing with other students.  We will stage the scenes after school briefly periodically and are looking to perform them at the middle schools for recruitment.  We are also planning a short performance in March, perhaps at an outside venue.

CAPA Vocal has two accompanists that work with us every week, Ms. Cimarelli and Mrs. Navarre.  On Friday, Ms. Cim and I presented our annual "How to work with an accompanist" performance.  It is always entertaining to watch all the ways someone can be rude or inconsiderate to our poor accompanist!  Ms. Cim is a good sport and the kids in class got very offended on her behalf at everything I put her through.  However, keep in mind that almost all of the scenarios are based in reality! We then had a great discussion about how to properly work with someone and shared stories of handling nerves and audition situations.

We are off to a great start this year and I look forward to working with all of my students.  Stay tuned for more updates and practice, practice!
Mrs. Porter

Classical and Folk Vocal Recital:
Tuesday, Oct. 14 & Wednesday, Oct. 15th at 7:00pm in the Black Box

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Hello everyone...Ms. Hillman here!

Thank you to all of the parents who came to Open House last night. It was nice to meet so many new parents and to see our veteran parents again this year. 
Today is callbacks for the musical and it is sure to be a tough decision once those are completed. Being in the arts is extremely rewarding, but can also be extremely heartbreaking. This is one of those times where one of those things will come to pass. we go. Another casting of a show and another amazing CAPA memory whether you are up onstage or in the audience cheering everybody on! 
It is all a journey...

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September 9, 2014
Hello all, Ms. Hillman here. I hope everyone stays safe and sound during the big storms...hopefully the power stays on as well. Ugh.
Thought I would update everyone on what the acting strand is currently doing in classes. So here we go...
Acting One...The freshmen are currently working on pantomiming in class. We have done some mirrors and today we worked on machines. The class machine was especially adorable. What an energetic and fun group of young people! They have a bright future ahead of them. 
Acting Two...We are working on developing characters based on stranger photographs. Today we had a circle share and the students really nailed their writing. In a couple days we will be performing these pieces. This class has always had a beautiful energy and collective heart. I am very excited to see what they create throughout the year.  
Advanced Acting...We are creating radio dramas in class and boy...the ideas are flowing. This class is full of creativity and ideas. We are a smaller class, but we are mighty. I am anxious to hear these students work their character voices in these original works. A fun group, indeed. 
Special Studies in Acting...We have been studying Stella Adler in class and have done some exercises based on Stella's principles of acting. This class will be creating their own show from scratch and I cannot wait to be involved in this of my favorite things to do with this class. They are ready to make it happen!
That is the acting strand at the moment. We are working and growing together...that is what it's all about. This will be a fantastic year! Thanks for reading! 
Until next time...
Theatrically Yours, 
Ms. Hillman 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

September 9, 2014

Hello everyone...Ms. Hillman back here blogging just for you!
Yesterday's auditions were HUGE! We had a grand total of 100 people audition and we have more people coming to audition today. We are thrilled to have so many interested and talented CAPA members ready to go all out to be a part of this show!
Today we will be auditioning again...all open so that you can see how everything shakes down. Auditioning is a very interesting process, you can learn so much from observing and being a part of this audition. Take it all in. 
We will need to see some people for callbacks on Thursday. The callback list will be up tonight. Just because you are not on the callback list, doesn't mean that you are not in the show. 
If you aren't cast in this show, please know that crew is open to you and a wonderful opportunity to learn all the tricks of the trade backstage! Let me know if you would like to sign up!
Everyone, take a breath, support your fellow CAPA members , trust and enjoy the process!
It's all good. 
You're Timeless to me, 
Ms. Hillman :)

Monday, September 8, 2014

Audition Week!!!!

September 8, 2014

Hi everybody, Ms. Hillman here. 

First, I would like to thank Mrs. Porter for taking us through the music last week.
Secondly, Mrs. K. gets a big thank you for dancing until she dropped last Friday. 
You should all be ready to go for auditions today. I know I am. 

Auditions are kinda interesting for an actor/singer/dancer. You are putting yourself out a tightrope walker with no net. But here is the great thing about the CAPA will always have a safety net here. We are here to support you. To celebrate when things are terrific and to help you through the struggles that are surely going to happen in high school. 

The best advice I can give you when auditioning...

Take it seriously. We do not have time to stop and start, so please focus and stay quiet when you are not onstage. 

You are always auditioning, even when you are not onstage. We are looking at the way you interact with others, behavior in school, hallways, in the theatre seats. We want supportive people who are going to celebrate the talents of every CAPA member. Jealousy and negative behavior are two things we solidly feel are poisonous to our creative environment. what you say and do. 

Give it your best shot. Go all out, you have nothing to lose. 

Be loud and proud! We have to be able to hear you!

Know that brown nosing has absolutely nothing to do with the casting process. As I have said before, if I cast only people that I personally love and adore, I would be the worst director ever. Casting is based on who is right for the part and based on positive attitudes and work ethic. That is it. "Favorites" aren't a part of this program...anyone who says otherwise doesn't know a thing about the process. we go! Casting is a big job and we are excited to get this show going. 
Do your best, have fun and know that whatever will be, will be. It's out of your control, so Let it Go...Let it Go!!!!

Theatrically Yours....Ms. Hillman